Aromaterapia - Guía de aceites

by Lauren Carroll

Health & Fitness

0.69 usd

Aromatherapy is the practical guide to essential oils with all the information necessary to restore balance and harmony of body and mind, all through oils.WHAT ISIt is the place where you will find all the information related to essential oils, from their general properties, methods of use to synergies with other oils, among others. Whether you are a lover of Aromatherapy or if you are just starting out in this wonderful world, enter the application to access exclusive oil content in a single app.CHARACTERISTICS• LISTIn this section you will find two lists, one for Essential Oils and another for Vegetable Oils. Each of them is made up of the most used oils. We include a sheet for each oil with its general information, its properties, precautions, application methods and recommendations on the different combinations with other oils. These lists are continually updated, with more oils continually being added.• NATURAL MEDICINEWould you like to know which oil is best for relieving muscle problems or which would be best for you to calm anxiety and stress?Access this section to find out which oils to use as needed. You can search among: Muscle Ailments, Skin and Hair Care, Respiratory, Emotional Strength, Immune System, Hormonal, Tranquilizers, Digestive, Energy, among others.• SYNERGIESWhat are synergies? They are those combinations of said oils that have harmony between them, resulting in said mixture obtaining a specific effect. Look for the best synergy to improve your well-being, whether to harmonize your emotions, to sleep peacefully, among many others.• ENERGY AROMATHERAPYOur emotional state also influences our health, so if we have or are going through a bad time it will translate into negative energy in us, and if the opposite is true, positive emotions will also generate positive energy in us. Energy Aromatherapy will make us unblock and release these negative charges and thus achieve balance. Access to know the best of the oils at an energetic level.You will also find information about:• APPLICATION METHODS: know the different methods to apply oils.• METHODS OF OBTAINING, EXTRACTION AND CONSERVATION: basic information regarding how they are obtained, how the volatile essences of aromatic plants (plants, flowers, seeds, bushes, roots) are extracted and how it is best to preserve them.Download the app now! You will have everything you want to know about essential oils and Aromatherapy.Whether it is to consolidate knowledge or to learn, it is an excellent choice, since you will always have it on hand either to make queries, it is a fairly intuitive guide with a clean and direct design.—Do you have any doubt or comment? Write to us: [email protected]